A how-to guide about lots and vacant land for agents, investors, and you!

Homes you sell sit on land,
and there are things you must know.
. . . UNTIL NOW!
I have been selling houses and land for 20 years, and I want to help YOU. Often, you may not have the correct information on a property, but you don’t know what you don’t know or where to find it.
That’s where I come in.
Let me teach you what no one else
will about land.

My books are for you if
You OWN land
You want to BUY land
You want to SELL land
You want to BROKER land
The houses you sell typically sit on a piece of land, don’t you and your clients deserve to have all the knowledge you can gather about that property?
From finding the owner to discovering the future zoning potential, I will show you what you need to know and where to locate crucial information.
You deserve to become the most knowledgeable agent or investor you can with a little help from a little book.

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